Digital Marketing with Master Resell Rights

Your complete Digital Marketing Business is here.

you need 
to start a thriving digital marketing
business in your spare time with NO EXPERIENCE!

The updated Roadmap 2.0 just released!

A complete business, marketing and automation course with 85+ modules. These lessons are comprehensive, easy to follow and broken down for THE BEGINNER!

Lifetime access to course updates & an engaged community of support with like-minded people at absolutely no charge!

A done for you, in-demand digital product -- THE COURSE ITSELF! Upon purchasing, this course is ready to be sold for 100% profit. This is YOUR product so the profit always goes directly to you!

BONUS: I'll also send you my E-BOOK which will show you how to attract real buyers to your email list.

Absolutely NO UPSELLS.

One up front price and the product is yours forever.

What is inside the Course?

What you will get: 

You will receive 85+ modules of step-by-step training in how to effectively start your own career in digital marketing. This course is an A-Z comprehensive package meant for the beginner to ensure everything is covered to start and scale a successful online business. It's not just teaching, they guide you through each step of setting up the tech.

Some Course Topics:




Social Media Marketing

Driving Traffic


Legal Considerations


Funnels and Set Up

Email Campaigns

Platforms and Set Up

Navigating Business

And MORE!!

What Makes this Course Unique to other Digital Courses and Training?

Master Resell Rights - 100% Profits

🔥 What sets this course apart is the ability to own the product and sell it for 100% profit. One sale of this product and you receive your full investment back! 

You can also create a new business around the course itself OR add it to your existing suite of services and offerings.

Is there a Community of Support?

Yes!  There is a very active community inside the actual Roadmap for Riches course that contains daily/ weekly/ monthly training and masterclasses. 

There are thousands of members also in the program you can network with and learn from which is very helpful as you go through the course and stand up your business.

What Do You Mean by No Upsells or Fees?

No Hidden Fees!


You will. receive everything you need to get going with the course with the one-time purchase price including access to all course modules and training. 

Note that in order to set up your marketing funnel, you will need to purchase some tech that over time will incur some fees. See "Additional Costs to Consider".

Do I Have to Sell this Course/ Product?



The course teaches you how to create your own digital product or market existing products and services. You can choose to sell the course itself or not. Up to you. The course gives you all of the high income skills you need to sell anything online!

What's Included in the Purchase?

You'll get immediate access to the course and community. I'm also giving you one of my digital products for free which is an E-Book sharing how to build an email list of PAYING customers.

Additional Costs to Consider

While you get everything you need in the course to learn how to set up your business, you will need some technology or services to enable it.

The course shares FREE systems to get you started but know that some of these platforms have free trial periods which means you will incur some ongoing costs after a certain period of time.  The amount depends on which systems you choose.

Platforms for email marketing and hosting your funnel are the most common tools you will need. There are some platforms that are all-in-one and may be an option for you to manage costs.

Refund Policy



Due to this being a digital product and access to the information is immediate, there are no refunds offered with the purchase of the Roadmaps to Riches course.  If this concerns you, please do not purchase the course.

Who Is This For?

It is designed for new and experienced business owners AND anyone who has ever been curious about starting their own online business and gaining more time freedom and financial success.

New to Making Money Online

A BEGINNER who has wanted to make money online but doesn't know HOW to begin.

You will learn all the skills to market and sell that I personally spent thousands of dollars to learn over the past 20 years!

Existing Business Owner

An ENTREPRENEUR looking to increase your offerings without spending time creating your own digital product or course.

An existing BUSINESS OWNER looking for a quick cash injection and additional income stream. 

A NETWORK or AFFILIATE MARKETER who would like to expand your business and offerings with a digital product that you can sell for 100% profit!

Looking for Success Online

ANYONE who’s tried all the things to achieve success online but has failed.

This course will give you the tools, knowledge and community support.

It is packed full of valuable information along with the roadmap to follow.


I'm a digital marketing strategist, self-education addict, data-obsessed analyst, BIG dreamer and goal getter, manifesting maven, country music lover, caffeine pumping enthusiast and yoga pants wearin' momma.

Yup...there are many parts to me and I'm guessing that you are multi-dimensional, too! It's kinda what makes us interesting.

I have 20+ years in the digital marketing space working for large, $1B+ brands. I have an online business that includes affiliate marketing and host a popular podcast. Let's just say that Digital Entrepreneurship is a part of me.

See What Community Members Are Saying

Angela CT
SAHM and Military Wife

"I absolutely love The Roadmap. The course has helped me SO much as a SAHM and military wife to help pay for my high medical debt. I was aiming to make an extra $500 per month, but after 10 days of launching The Roadmap, I made my first ever sale + a high commission totaling to $615! Then 3 days after I made TWO MORE SALES! In less than 2 weeks I made $1,609 with everything The Roadmap has taught me. And now I'm helping women and entrepreneurs to do the same in achieving life-giving passive income. It's been less than a month and I'm just so truly grateful for this opportunity and the supportive community that The Roadmap comes with❤️."

Anya K

Retired from 9-5

"What's incredible is that in just 60 days, I earned over $3,000! This was beyond my wildest expectations as a beginner. I'm now on a path to even greater earnings, but the most amazing part is that this opportunity has given me the freedom to say goodbye to my 9-5 job. I can finally start my journey of exploring the world while building my business. Roadmap 2.0 has opened doors I've been praying for, and I'm so grateful for the creators of it!!""

You Owe It To Yourself
 To Make The Change You Want

 The Audience Method LLC

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